

FVC Utility ironing tables. Solid and reliable. These tables are the "entry-level" in the range of air-blowing tables, with an excellent quality/price ration. Standard features include: electric steam iron, vacuum unit, built-in automatic electric boiler suitable to feed steam to a second iron to be used on a second table placed aside.

FVC is available in the following versions:

  • FVC-902, electrically heated vacuum table with 5-lt built-in electronic boiler.
  • FVC-902/S electrically heated vacuum and air-blowing table, available either with 5-lt built-in electronic boiler or for connection to central steam supply.

Available options upon request:

  • Pivoting arm with eithet sleeve-ironin shape or spotting shape
  • Steam spotting gun
  • Steam/air spotting gun or cold spotting gun for chemical agents
  • Water spray gun with support
  • Lighting group with or without pulley and iron suspension.
SKU: SM-T0200
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